Advanced Color Correction
Below are various clips where Color Correction and/or Secondary Color Correction became extremely important to complete and/or improve a scene or shots.
Day For Dusk
The film budget, available equipment, and schedule did not allow for this forest scene to be effectively shot at night or near dusk. The use of color correction tools enabled us to create the day-for-night effect and to alter the personality of the forest. To do so, we manipulated the Chroma, Gamma, and Luminance, in addition to altering the blacks, whites, and mid-tones significantly impacting the color composition of the forest scene. The primary difference between a daytime shot and a nighttime shot is the way colors are perceived. A forest under moonlight takes on a blue-purple hue. In order to mimic this, we added a blue-purple hue to the scene, and pushed
the blacks more toward the blue range of the color spectrum. We reduced saturation to bring down the intensity of the rest of the colors within the image. We then reduced the luminance and chrominance of the scene. Reducing the luminance created a loss of some scene clarity, realistically replicating night/dusk vision. Reducing the chrominance caused our subject not to stand out as much, creating an emotional trigger of her being drawn into the forest, as well as a perceived increase of the forest depth.
Secondary Color Correction
In the mountain retreat location used, the ventilation system and its related sound are key to the story. Contrary to script, the cabin had no exterior vent at this character’s arrival point, so this establishing shot of the vent was created. Footage was provided of a vent pick-up shot with obvious color discontinuity and we used secondary color correction tools to create a wall match to the cabin exterior so the close-up would compliment its predecessor to ensure that the viewer will consciously register its significance.
Heightened Reality
Most people know that color can affect our emotions, but it is less commonly known that color saturation can also have a psychological effect. Saturation refers to the amount of grey in a color, and determines how vivid it is. Generally speaking, the stronger the saturation, the stronger the color affects the mood. Cool colors create a lonely cold mood while warm colors give an inviting feel. For this “better times” flashback scene, a sense of heightened reality specific to the vehicle was desired by the director. A color's hue has a strong effect on how it is perceived. A color from the center of the red part of the spectrum will be perceived as more passionate (or perhaps more
threatening) than the original “calmer” color of the vehicle. We gained more control by decomposing the scene’s colors first and then manipulating the color channels, changing the levels and saturation of individual colors. If all of the colors are overly saturated, then none of the colors will stand out.